About Cody Green
Cody Green
Name: Cody Green
Date of Birth: May 22nd, 2004
Planet: Revcthgen
Species: Revcthgen Anthropoid
Pet Peeves: Litter, Chaos, Disorganization
Hobbies & Interests: Electronics & Tech, Reading, Architecture, Landscaping & Gardening, Dessert
Skills & Abilities: Laser blasts, Multilingualism, Increased Immune System, Expert Marksmanship, Super-Jump, Hacking & Coding, Super-Senses
A genetically engendered twin, Cody was formerly a spy for a secret criminal organization on his home planet of Revtchgen. The Anthropoid is straightforward & intelligent, always doing things by the book. He is also a helpful guide & asset to any circle he finds himself in. Cody is kind, friendly, & open to meeting new people despite his stoic & unbothered appearance. He is a natural-born leader who is strict, organized, spectacular at coding, & always there to pick you up after a fall. Once you get to know him, he will come across as a true people person, But do not take his kindness for weakness…Evildoers beware.